What's New Blog from Kam's Kettle Cooked Chili Sauce

  • Avocado Toast with Kam's | Brunch Ideas

    Avocado Toast is a great idea for brunch, adding Kam's chili sauce elevates the taste. Bread to toast: Rye, Challah, Baguette.  Avocado or/and...
  • The Perfect Roasted Potato Recipe

    The perfect roasted potato is fluffy on this inside and crispy on the outside. The secret is . . . to par boil them, and then chill the potatoes be...
  • Roasted Cauliflower with Chili Sauce

    I'm a HUGE veggie fan, but roasting certain vegetables takes them to a whole new level! One of my favorite veg is the humble cauliflower. Recently,...
  • Easy Thousand Island Dressing Recipe

    Simple Instructions for Thousand Island Dressing. 2 Tablespoons of Kam's Sweet & Spicy Chili Sauce 2 Tablespoons of Mayonnaise (vegan or regula...